Episode 18: Kate Andrias and Benjamin Sachs
Professors Kate Andrias, of the University of Michigan Law, and Benjamin L. Sachs, of Harvard Law School, join us to discuss their new article, Constructing Countervailing Power: Law and Organizing in an Era of Political Inequality. They argue the law can facilitate organizing by lower-income groups and that doing so can increase their political power in this new Gilded Age. We also discuss what the politics of labor politics and labor history can tell us about the authors’ proposal.
Additional Readings:
Benjamin Sachs, Police Unions: It’s Time to Change the Law and End the Abuse, OnLabor (June 4, 2020).
Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page, Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens, 12 Perspectives on Politics 564 (2014).
Marco Rubio, Amazon Should Face Unionization Drive Without Republican Support, USA Today (March 12, 2021).