Episode 60: Mehrsa Baradaran
Mehrsa Baradaran talks about the looting and corruption that is neoliberalism!
Episode 59: Kunal Parker
Kunal Parker discusses the evolution of legal, political, and economic thought in the twentieth century!
Episode 45: Samuel Issacharoff
Samuel Issacharoff discusses populism and democracy around the world!
Episode 44: James Bradley Thayer
Jake Mazeitis and Andrew Porwancher give us the scoop on the “prophet of Harvard Law:” James Bradley Thayer!
Episode 43: Tim Shenk
Tim Shenk talks about coalition building, majority-making, and realignment in American history!
Episode 40: Jacob Grumbach
This week we have Jacob Grumbach on the pod! Jake is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Washington and the producer of fantastic Twitter content @JakeMGrumbach. His new book Laboratories against Democracy discusses the causes and consequences of the nationalization of state politics.
Episode 03: Steven Teles
On our third episode, we speak to Steven Teles, Professor of Political Science at Johns Hopkins University and Senior Fellow at the Niskanen Center about his new book, Never Trump: The Revolt of the Conservative Elites, co-authored with Robert P. Saldin. He outlines what he thinks drove “Never Trumpers” (elite conservatives) to campaign against then-candidate Donald Trump and the role this group now plays at the margins of the Republic Party. He also touches on the theories underlying his views on Never Trumpers—including the role played by elite policymakers, ideologues, and outsiders in political parties.